The Sugar Cycle

 Many of us – usually without knowing are living in a sugar cycle.

 We eat carbs consistently throughout the day which break down into sugar. The amount and frequency of the carbs we eat can overwhelm our body.

 We enter the sugar cycle when the carbs we eat overwhelm our body. Instead of getting into our cells where we use the sugar for energy the sugar stays in the blood where it causes damage to nerves, blood vessels, increases inflammation and irritates the nervous system.

Are you in a sugar cycle?

  • Does your energy go up and down throughout the day, dropping mid-morning and mid-afternoon?
  • Do you hit a wall late afternoon?
  • Do you need to have something sweet after you have eaten?
  • Do you need to have carbs at the end of the day?
  • Do you crave carbs – chocolate, bread, pasta, fruit, something sweet
  • Do you get light headed or struggle to concentrate if you have not eaten?

If the answer is Yes – You are probably in a sugar cycle,

Benefits of Kicking the Sugar Cycle

– Your energy will increase

– Your mood and stress levels will improve

– Concentration and endurance will improve.

– Any symptom linked to inflammation is likely to improve.

– You will be working towards improving your vitality and preventing disease.

Tips for Kicking the Sugar Cycle

  1. Eat three meals and two between meal snacks to support healthy sugar metabolism.
  2. Always be sure to combine carbohydrates with protein to slow the release of sugar from the carbohydrate.
  1. Never eat a high carbohydrate meal at the end of the day.
  2. Carbohydrate foods include fruit, vegetables, legumes (have protein also) and grains.

    Protein foods include lean red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes.

  1. Choose carbohydrate foods that release sugar slowly (low glycaemic load carbohydrates.
  2. Fruits that release sugar slowly: Apricots, blueberries, fresh fig, honey dew melon, orange, nectarines, pears, strawberries, plums, kiwi, raspberries, juice of fresh lemon or limes.
  3. Reduce foods that break down into sugar quickly such as white breads, sugars, dried, fruits, fruit juices, potatoes and bananas.
  4. Avoid Alcohol
  5. Reduce Caffiene
  6. Start regular exercise


Many people experience strong withdrawal symptoms when giving up sugar including extremely short fuses and irritability.

It is a good idea to warn you loved ones this may occur, day three is usually the worst day.

Taking plenty of Magnesium, B vitamins and chromium may help to minimise these symptoms and improve your sugar regulation. You can discus the best supplements for you with your practitioner.